DLI Announces New EU Projects

DLI and partners of the ATHENA consortium have been awarded program funding from the EU Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF) in order to support women of migrant backgrounds across Europe to take up entrepreneurship. Partners to the ATHENA (“Approaches To valorise the High ENtrepreneuriAl potential of migrant women”) project, which will launch in January 2021, include the following:

DLI has also been awarded Erasmus+ funding to lead the WE4Change (“Girls and Women connecting for environmental change”) project, with the mission of increasing entrepreneurship in STEM fields by girls and women through climate change activism. Members of the WE4Change project include the following organisations:

The DLI team is excited to take up these new projects that support our mission to increase entrepreneurship by girls and women, especially in science and technology fields, in 2021!

DLI Update – Winter 2020

The DLI Board are actively involved in outreach activities with partners and stakeholders around the world that promote ESTEAM* leadership by girls and women. Find out more about our outreach activities in Winter 2020-21 below, including the WEgate Summit on women’s enterpreneurship at which our Director contributed to a Call to Action on tech entrepreneurship by women. For upcoming activities by DLI and its partners please visit here, and have a look at our calendar for events organised by DLI.

*STEM powered by Entrepreneurship and Arts

3 November – WEgate Community Council Meeting (Online): On 3 November, the WEgate project launched its Community Council with participation by Che Miller Van Dÿck, DLI Founding Director, as a member of the advisory organization supporting implementation of the WEgate project promoting women-led entrepreneurship in Europe.

30 November – WEP Board of Directors Meeting (Online): DLI Founding Director, Che Miller Van Dÿck, joined the quarterly Board of Directors meeting of the Women Entrepreneurship Platform, taking place on 30 November online.

3 December – MIF+ Project Meeting (Online): On 3 December, Katja Legisa, DLI Entrepreneurship Director, joined a project meeting for MoveItForwardPlus (MIF+), an EU ERASMUS+ project promoting uptake of digital and entrepreneurship skills among women, of which DLI is a member.

10 December – WEgate Summit (Online): On 10 December, the WEgate project organised its first summit on “A New Vision for Women Entrepreneurs in Europe,” with support from Loredana Bucseneanu, DLI Development Director. Che Miller Van Dÿck, DLI Founding Director, also contributed to a “Call for Action” series on topics of EU policy, financial inclusion, and digital transformation priorities for women in entrepreneurship.

10 December – R&I PEERS Project Meeting (Online): On 10 December, Katja Legisa, DLI Entrepreneurship Director, joined a project meeting of R&I PEERS, an EU Horizon 2020 project promoting “pilot experiences for improving gender equality in research organisations,” of which DLI is a member.

17 December – Leadership as A Vehicle for Youth Participation (Online): On 17 December, Katja Legisa, DLI Entrepreneurship Director, gave a presentation on DLI’s Move It Forward program as part of an online training on the subject of “Leadership as a Vehicle for Youth Participation,” hosted by the Youth Board of Cyprus.

21 December – WEP Board Meeting and General Assembly (Online): On 21 December, Che Miller Van Dÿck, DLI Founding Director, joined the annual General Assembly and a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Women Entrepreneurship Platform taking place online.

Be sure to visit our Calendar and Outreach Activities page to keep up with DLI events and activities! You can also and sign up for the DLI Newsletter and follow us on Facebook, Twitter & Instagram!
