DigitalMuse goes to the EU Parliament!

On 20 February 2013, carried out a half-day workshop on “3D Design & Printing” at the European Parliament, as part of a wider event promoting female entrepreneurship in Europe.  The event, hosted by Seldia, gave a group of lucky young women the chance to design and print their very own creations using the latest in 3D print technology, and showcased the importance of STE(A)M* skills for young people and the vital contribution all women can make to the future European economy.

DLI sister initiative, Women2020, also collaborated on the event as part of its mission to promote the contribution of women to the Europe2020 strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth, where women-led enterprises, female entrepreneurship, social enterprise and STE(A)M skills play a critical role. These issues were also the subject of a panel luncheon where our young digital muses were encouraged to share their thoughts and opinions.

*Science, Technology, Engineering, *Art* & Mathematics