2014 EU Ada Award Finalists

Finalists for the 2014 European Ada Awards are here!  Join us for the Ada Award Ceremony on 30 October in Rome to find out who the winners are in each category — and good luck to all the very deserving finalists!

***Congratulations to the finalists for the 2014 European Digital Girl of the Year™ Award!***

Ten and Under:

  •   Anne (9) from England

Eleven and Over:

  •   Noa (11) from Belgium

Find out more about the Finalists for the 2014 European Digital Girl of the Year™ Award here!

***Congratulations to the finalists for 2014 European Digital Woman of the Year™ Award!***

  • , BEBRAS Founder & PhD Professor in Physical Sciences (Informatics), from Lithuania

Find out more about the finalists for 2014 European Digital Woman of the Year™ Award here!

***Congratulations to the finalists for the 2014 European Digital Impact Organisation of the Year™ Award!***

Find out more about the finalists for the 2014 European Digital Impact Organisation of the Year™ Award here!

Join us at the 2014 European Ada Award Ceremony – taking place as part of the “e-Skills – Making a Career with Digital Technologies” event on 30 October 2014 in Rome, Italy – where we will announce the 2014 European Digital Girl of the Year™, Digital Woman of the Year™, and Digital Impact Organisation of the Year™!


Nominate Yourself!

Nomination forms for the 2015 European Ada Awards may be accessed by clicking on the below icons.

Digital Girl Award Digital Impact Award - Green Digital Woman Award

If you have any questions about your nomination or about the Ada Award nomination process, please contact us.  We are looking forward to receiving your nominations!

Supporting Girls in ICT Day


International Girls in ICT Day is being celebrated around the world this year on 24 April 2014. The Digital Leadership Institute will join in the festivities by organising two Digital Muse workshops in Brussels and Geneva, and DLI founder, Cheryl Miller, will contribute to an expert panel on “Celebrating Successes, Inspiring Girls” at the UN International Telecom Union‘s headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland on 15 April.  To join the Geneva event live, please click here.

Looking for a way to celebrate Girls in ICT Day 2014?  Please consult the ITU’s Girls in ICT Day portal to find resources for organising your own event and to learn about activities being organised in your area.  UN Women is also promoting Girls in ICT Day around the world.  And if you would like to do something simple and effective to get more girls into tech, please consider contributing your own 1-minute video to the European Commission’s #Passion4Tech campaign via their  “Every Girl Digital” Facebook page.

As always, if you are an girl or woman working and studying in digital sectors, or part of an organisation promoting more girls and women in tech, please consider nominating yourself or your organisation/project for a 2014 European Ada Award, deadline 16 September 2014!

Questions?  Please contact us!

2014 European Ada Awards Launch

Meet Ada Byron Lovelace – from the QUIDOS “Fascinating Stories” Series

Nominations for the 2014 European Ada Awards launched on 4 April 2014 in Athens, Greece, in the context of the “Women and Girls Go Digital!” event, co-organised by ECWT and celebrating the Greek Presidency of the Council of the European Union.  Nominations for this year’s European Ada Awards – named after the first-ever computer programmer, Ada Lovelace, Lady Augusta Ada King, Countess of Lovelace – are now being accepted in the following categories:

wggd logo_conference

Deadline for submissions for the European Ada Awards is 16 September 2014 and winners in each category will be recognised at the Ada Awards Ceremony on 30 October 2014 in Rome, as part of the closing event for the 2014 eSkills for Jobs campaign.  Please follow the noted links to find out more about each Award.

The international Ada Awards™ recognise outstanding girls and women in digital sectors globally and the organisations that support them.   The European Ada Awards™, launched in 2013 by the Digital Leadership Institute (formerly Zen Digital Europe) and its partners – CEPISDIGITALEUROPE,  ECWT and European SchoolNet – are an official pledge to the Grand Coalition for Digital Skills and Jobs in Europe, and have the following objectives:

  • Increase the number of digitally-skilled girls and women in Europe;
  • Increase participation of girls and women in digitally-driven and digitally-enabled studies, enterprises and jobs;
  • Recognise outstanding women and girls in digitally-enabled and digitally-driven studies and careers; and
  • Showcase organisations who are increasing participation of girls and women, particularly in leadership roles, in digital sectors.

For questions or to become a partner or sponsor of the Ada Awards, please contact us.


Ada Award Nominations Open 4 April

On 4 April 2014, in honour of the Hellenic Presidency of the European Council,  nominations for the 2014 European Ada Awards will officially open in the context of the “Women & Girls Go Digital” event in Athens.  We look forward to a great turnout for the event and a record number of 2014 nominations for Digital GirlDigital Woman, and Digital Impact Organisation of the Year in Europe.

The European Ada Awards are an initiative of the Digital Leadership Institute and its partners – CEPISDIGITALEUROPEECWT, and the European SchoolNet – that aims to recognise outstanding girls and women in digital sectors in Europe and organisations supporting them.

The European Ada Awards were launched as a five-year pledge to the Grand Coalition for Digital Jobs and are part of the 2014 Eskills for Jobs campaign.  In 2013, Ms. Neelie Kroes, Vice President of the European Commission responsible for the Digital Agenda, was personal patron of the Awards and presented prizes in the following categories to deserving girls, women and organisations in Europe:

An award for African Digital Woman of the Year was also presented in 2013.

Thank you to partners and sponsors of the European Ada Awards!