Bluemix Girls’ Night: why should boys have all the fun?

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Hi tech-savvy ladies!

Have you ever had a great idea for an app? Did you ever wonder how you could sell things online, or start a business with an awesome scalable digital presence? Are you curious about cloud computing technology, and would like to meet other like-minded ladies, or maybe you would just like to have an interesting evening that might spark some inspiration and unleash some wacky and original ideas in you?

Come and find out! IBM’s Bluemix Cloud Platform, together with the Digital Leadership Institute, is hosting a Bluemix Girls’ Night on November 19. We will be hearing women tech entrepreneurs talk about their start-up experiences, and how a cloud computing platform can help all entrepreneurs have the same scalability opportunities of big tech companies.

There will be a demo of apps built by young women developers for Oxfam, and everybody will have the opportunity to ask questions, find out how cloud computing works and why women entrepreneurs (and would-be entrepreneurs) should make use of this technology.

Register here!

Looking forward to seeing all of you there!

Stay tech-savvy,

Rosanna 🙂

Successful Atlantic "Ada 200" Meeting

In celebration of the 200th anniversary of the birth of Lady Ada Lovelace – namesake of the DLI Ada Awards and credited with being the world’s first computer-programmer – on 1 July in Brussels, the Digital Leadership Institute hosted its third best practices roundtable of 2015 on getting more girls and women into digital studies and careers. At this first-ever transatlantic “Ada 200” meeting, attended by Brussels decision-makers in technology and policy fields, Ms. Cheryl Miller, DLI founder, and Ms. Teresa Carlson, Vice President Worldwide Public Sector at Amazon Web Services, facilitated a discussion that emphasized a need for the following:

  • sharing of best-practices between U.S. and European ICT organizations to increase global tech leadership by women;
  • driving girl- and women-focused digital skills and entrepreneurship initiatives; and
  • promoting “disruptive recruitment practices” that break industry stereotypes and “business-as-usual” hiring practices by ICT organizations.


Following the roundtable, Ms. Carlson spoke of her experience as a woman leader in technology in an inspiring talk to young participants of a g-Hive “3D Jewelry Design & Printing” workshop sponsored by AWS.  “You are leaders,” Ms. Carlson told the teenage girls assembled.  “The skills you’re learning will help you get into good schools, and if you keep at it,” she promised, “I will come back here to recruit you.”


Ms. Carlson underscored the commitment of Amazon Web Services to getting more women into digital studies and careers worldwide, and engaged her organization to support the work of the Digital Leadership Institute. As a start, AWS pledged sponsorship to the 2015 Ada Awards, a DLI initiative that recognizes outstanding girls and women in technology and the organizations that support them around the world.

Photos from the event may be found on the DLI Facebook page here (Album: Atlantic Ada 2015).

Ms. Teresa Carlson is vice president of worldwide public sector at Amazon Web Services where she is responsible for operations, strategy, sales and business development. She was previously vice president of federal government business at Microsoft, among several other positions, and worldwide vice president of marketing and business development for Lexign Incorporated. Before moving into IT, Carlson spent nearly 15 years in healthcare. Among her many honors is the March of Dimes Heroines in Technology Lifetime Achievement Award. She is also one of the Washingtonian’s 100 Most Powerful Women.




New DLI Board Members Announced

On the heels of an exciting DLI opening event on 9 March 2015, we are now thrilled to introduce the new members of the DLI Board of Directors. Learn more about each board member below, and stay tuned here for further news about their activities with the Institute.

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Digital Leadership Institute, asbl/vzw
Place Van Meyelplein 24
Brussels, Belgium 1040


Welcome to the homepage of the Digital Leadership Institute, a Brussels-based, international NGO whose mission is to bridge the gender gap and the digital divide by empowering the digital leaders of today and tomorrow.

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