Ahead of the G20 India Summit on 9-10 September in New Delhi, Cheryl Miller Van Dÿck, Co-head of the W20 EU Delegation, along with Ayaka Matsuno and Uli Silalahi, W20 Heads of Delegation from Japan and Indonesia respectively, shared a video message on Indian national television which was broadcast to millions of viewers.
Ms. Miller Van Dÿck described impressions of India from the three on-site W20 India meetings she attended in 2023 as “eye-opening and enlightening”. She underscored the opportunity presented for historical leadership of India by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, which she said, translated to the work of W20 India 2023 under leadership of Dr. Sandhya Purecha, Dr. Shamika Ravi and Dharitri Patnaik, latter two who were the subject of the broadcast.
Ms. Miller Van Dÿck also highlighted the groundbreaking work by W20 India to promote women-led development, a step-change in global feminist policy which is a vision, said Miller, the EU could stand behind.
Full broadcast is below with intervention by Miller Van Dÿck, in English, at 3’26”.